Rocketship Scholars: “This is so cool and crazy!”
Rocketship Scholars Series: Written by Anna Hu
Reflecting on last week and the joy I had in personally experiencing the interplay of the various platforms but also acknowledging the challenges and growth I am looking forward to developing. I feel that this latest module of the SaaS Trial Rocketship course has been pivotal in deepening my understanding of Product Led Growth.
In the first few weeks, I struggled with the deep dive into the technical aspects and I was particularly keen to understand the why and how. Taking a step back this week to understand the key drivers of Product Led Growth has been incredibly eye opening as well as formative in allowing me to piece my understanding together.
I found it interesting to learn the three tidal waves that have given PLG such momentum; those three factors once articulated make so much sense. It was particularly insightful to learn that B2B buyers want to self-educate rather than talk to sales representatives to learn about products and services and when combined with the knowledge that product experiences have become an essential part of the buying process, I feel this is a really powerful insight and has transformed the way I think about customer acquisition, conversion and expansion.
I also really enjoyed learning about and reading more into the Bowling Alley Framework. Without any prior experience in understanding customer onboarding and conversion, it was really enlightening to wrap my head around a structured framework that guides and streamlines the customer onboarding journey to convert customers to paid users which is always the most challenging part!
I had a real aha! “This is so cool and crazy” moment when I was playing around with the copywriting tools. As naive as it may sound, I didn’t realise that there were tools in the market that could provide personalised content. I had always marvelled at social media content/blog posts etc because it seemed quite difficult to me to have to come up with original, inspiring or engaging content. Playing around with Copysmith and CopyAI blew my mind in relation to the AI that exists in SaaS tools to assist with this.

Challenges - I really enjoyed the theory presented this week which helped me tie together the technical aspects. The User Persona activity really challenged my way of thinking to encourage me to dig deeper to understand the real challenges customers and users of my product are facing. I’m looking forward to more of these challenging moments which guide me to think differently!
This week in particular has allowed me to better understand the concepts I’ve learnt to date on the course and start thinking about how I can apply them to my Trip Planner App. It has transformed my understanding of modern marketing techniques and the way in which it differs from a traditional sales led approach including the ownership of growth across sales, marketing, design, product and technology teams more broadly.
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